Products Archive - Rafver


FC 8 Smart Signature Line skúringavél

0 out of 5

Nýjasta útgáfan af vinsælu gólfþvottavélinni frá Karcher er komin!


Til á lager

104.140 kr. Setja í körfu

Rúðuhreinsisett EDI4

0 out of 5

Nú er hægt að nota EDI 4 íssköfuna allt árið! Einfalt og árangursríkt aukahlutasett til að þrífa bílrúðurnar.


Til á lager

4.648 kr. Setja í körfu

SC 1 EasyFix Gufuhreinsir

0 out of 5


The compact Kärcher SC 1 EasyFix 2-in-1 steam mop (with floor cleaning set) can be used anywhere in the household and cleans without using any chemicals. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of coronaviruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces. Thanks to its compact dimensions, the device is ideal for quick and thorough intermediate cleaning. When you’re done, it can be stored right where it is needed without taking up much space. Be it fittings, tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods or the smallest gaps and niches – powerful steam and the extensive range of accessories ensure flawless cleanliness. Thanks to the floor cleaning set EasyFix, the practical handheld steam cleaner can be converted for floor cleaning in no time. Even stubborn dirt and grease deposits are eliminated in an instant.


Til á lager

24.335 kr. Setja í körfu

SI 4 EasyFix Iron Strauborð og gufuhreinsitæki

0 out of 5

Einn pakki með gufustraujárni, gufustrauborði og gufuhreinsitæki.

Í pakkanum er SC 4 gufuhreinsitæki með fylgihlutum sem nýtast við þrif á heimilinu og svo getur þú tengt tækið við gufustraujárn og hengt á sérhannað gufuborð. Upplifðu þægileg og efnalaus þrif á heimilinu og dreptu bakteríur og veirur í leiðinni. Gufustrauborðið skilar vel straujuðum og/eða gufuðum flíkum og rúmfötum.


Til á lager

143.670 kr. Setja í körfu

WV 7 Signature Line Gluggaskafa

0 out of 5

WV 7 gluggasköfuna má nota inni og úti fyrir glugga og önnur slétt yfirborð. Handhæg og snyrtileg aðferð við þrif án þess að rennbleyta nánasta umhverfi. Hægt að fá framlengingu á sköfuna til þess að auðvela þrif á háum gluggum.


Til á lager

23.860 kr. Setja í körfu

RCV 5 Ryks.+skúringaróbót

0 out of 5

Hard floors and low-pile carpets are independently and systematically cleaned by the RCV 5 smart cleaning robot. Dry dirt is transported into the built-in waste container by the rotating brush, the side brush for the edges and the fan. The ultrasonic sensor detects carpets that would be better cleaned using the Auto Boost function for maximum suction power. The RCV 5 doesn’t just vacuum but can also wet mop. In mopping mode, carpets are automatically avoided. Via the app, the RCV 5 is sent on an exploration tour and will automatically create a map of the rooms by detecting the surroundings (LiDAR). Individual cleaning parameters can be set for every room. For example, which rooms should be vacuumed, mopped or not cleaned. Thanks to the dual-laser system with camera, the top model RCV 5 also detects and avoids flat obstacles such as cables, socks or shoes. Additional sensors prevent the device from falling, for example, down stairs. For cleaning, you can conveniently start the RCV 5 via the app, using a preset individual schedule or by pressing a button on the device. If the cleaning robot needs help, in many situations it will tell you via voice output.


Til á lager

104.440 kr. Setja í körfu

RCV 3 Ryks.+skúringaróbót

0 out of 5

More time for the enjoyable things in life: the smart RCV 3 cleaning robot takes over the floor cleaning. Once started, the RCV 3 robot systematically and independently cleans your hard floors and low-pile carpets. Dry dirt is reliably transported into the built-in waste container by the rotating brush, the side brush for the edges and the fan. Where needed, the RCV 3 doesn’t just vacuum, but can also damp mop. As the battery capacity decreases, the RCV 3 can charge itself regularly and, after the work is done, it always returns to the charging station. Via the app, the RCV 3 is sent on an exploration tour and will automatically create a map of the rooms by detecting the surroundings (LiDAR). Individual cleaning parameters can be set for every room. For example, which rooms should be vacuumed, mopped or not cleaned. Additional sensors prevent the device from falling, for example, down stairs. For cleaning tasks, the RCV 3 can be conveniently started via the app, using a preset individual schedule or by pressing a button on the device. If the cleaning robot needs help, in many situations it will tell you via voice output.

Included with the machine:

  • Cleaning brush
  • Side brush: 2 x
  • Filters: 2 x
  • Cleaning tool
  • Wiping unit
  • Wiping cloth: 2 x
  • 2-in-1 waste container including fresh water tank
  • Waste container
  • Charging station

Til á lager

68.165 kr. Setja í körfu

Hleðslu+hreinsistöð RCV 5

0 out of 5

With the smart self-emptying station, the RCV 5 becomes even more autonomous, because the dust container is emptied automatically. This way, the user is spared this tedious and often dirty job. Dust and dirt are simply vacuumed automatically into the high-quality fleece filter bag as soon as the RCV 5 docks in the charging and self-emptying station – either after a completed cleaning task or when recharging in between. The dirt is reliably trapped. It couldn’t be simpler. Thanks to the charging function on the self-emptying station, the robot’s battery is recharged at the same time too.

Included with station:

  • Fleece filter bag: 1 Piece(s)
  • Waste container

Til á lager

44.600 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

59.815 kr. 35.889 kr. Setja í körfu

WD 3 V-17 Ryksuga blautt þurrt

0 out of 5

WD ryksugurnar frá Karcher eru fullkomnar fyrir hin ýmsu verk heimilisins inni og úti og sjúga blautt og þurrt. Vélarnar eru einnig með blásara.


Til á lager

19.825 kr. Setja í körfu

Gólfhaus og klútur SC

0 out of 5

Gólfhaus og gólfklútur fyrir SC 1 – SC 5 gufuhreinsitæki.


Til á lager

8.165 kr. Setja í körfu

Hreinsiklútar 2stk í pk

0 out of 5

Klútarnir eru úr hágæða örtrefjum og létta þér verkið við að ná af óhreinindum og fitu. Hentar vel við þrif á baðherbergjum og eldhúsum.


Til á lager

5.985 kr. Setja í körfu

Klútar fyrir gólfsettið

0 out of 5

Tveir í pakka

Frábærir gólf örtrefjaklútar sem hennta fyrir allar SC gufuhreinsivélarnar frá Kärcher


Til á lager

4.424 kr. Setja í körfu

SC 2 Delux Gufuhreinsir Easy Fix hvítt

0 out of 5

The new compact and lightweight SC 2 Deluxe EasyFix entry-level steam cleaner provides two-step steam regulation for adapting the steam intensity to the surface and level of dirt. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of coronaviruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces – and does so completely without chemicals. The SC 2 Deluxe EasyFix can display the operating mode at any time via the innovative illuminated LED ring on the handle. Red indicates that the device is still heating up, while green indicates that the SC steam cleaner is ready to go. The accessories can either be stored (including the two extension tubes) entirely in an extra long accessory bag or alternatively stowed on the device itself. The EasyFix floor nozzle with flexible joint guarantees excellent ergonomics and, thanks to the lamella technology, ensures perfect cleaning results. Thanks to the convenient hook-and-loop system, the microfibre floor cloth can be quickly and easily attached to the floor nozzle and removed again without having to come into contact with dirt. When the various accessories are used as intended, tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods and even the smallest gaps are hygienically cleaned. Even stubborn dirt can be reliably removed.


Til á lager

35.860 kr. Setja í körfu

FC 8 Smart Signature Line skúringavél

0 out of 5

Nýjasta útgáfan af vinsælu gólfþvottavélinni frá Karcher er komin!

SKU: kk1,055 711,0

Til á lager

104.140 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

1.148.469 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

154.324 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

24.460 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

23.882 kr. Setja í körfu

Rúðuhreinsisett EDI4

0 out of 5

Nú er hægt að nota EDI 4 íssköfuna allt árið! Einfalt og árangursríkt aukahlutasett til að þrífa bílrúðurnar.

SKU: kk2,644 255,0

Til á lager

4.648 kr. Setja í körfu

SC 1 EasyFix Gufuhreinsir

0 out of 5


The compact Kärcher SC 1 EasyFix 2-in-1 steam mop (with floor cleaning set) can be used anywhere in the household and cleans without using any chemicals. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of coronaviruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces. Thanks to its compact dimensions, the device is ideal for quick and thorough intermediate cleaning. When you’re done, it can be stored right where it is needed without taking up much space. Be it fittings, tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods or the smallest gaps and niches – powerful steam and the extensive range of accessories ensure flawless cleanliness. Thanks to the floor cleaning set EasyFix, the practical handheld steam cleaner can be converted for floor cleaning in no time. Even stubborn dirt and grease deposits are eliminated in an instant.

SKU: kk1,516 401,0

Til á lager

24.335 kr. Setja í körfu

SI 4 EasyFix Iron Strauborð og gufuhreinsitæki

0 out of 5

Einn pakki með gufustraujárni, gufustrauborði og gufuhreinsitæki.

Í pakkanum er SC 4 gufuhreinsitæki með fylgihlutum sem nýtast við þrif á heimilinu og svo getur þú tengt tækið við gufustraujárn og hengt á sérhannað gufuborð. Upplifðu þægileg og efnalaus þrif á heimilinu og dreptu bakteríur og veirur í leiðinni. Gufustrauborðið skilar vel straujuðum og/eða gufuðum flíkum og rúmfötum.

SKU: kk1,512 637,0

Til á lager

143.670 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

24.238 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

26.110 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

5.248 kr. Setja í körfu

WV 7 Signature Line Gluggaskafa

0 out of 5

WV 7 gluggasköfuna má nota inni og úti fyrir glugga og önnur slétt yfirborð. Handhæg og snyrtileg aðferð við þrif án þess að rennbleyta nánasta umhverfi. Hægt að fá framlengingu á sköfuna til þess að auðvela þrif á háum gluggum.

SKU: kk1,633 780,0

Til á lager

23.860 kr. Setja í körfu

RCV 5 Ryks.+skúringaróbót

0 out of 5

Hard floors and low-pile carpets are independently and systematically cleaned by the RCV 5 smart cleaning robot. Dry dirt is transported into the built-in waste container by the rotating brush, the side brush for the edges and the fan. The ultrasonic sensor detects carpets that would be better cleaned using the Auto Boost function for maximum suction power. The RCV 5 doesn’t just vacuum but can also wet mop. In mopping mode, carpets are automatically avoided. Via the app, the RCV 5 is sent on an exploration tour and will automatically create a map of the rooms by detecting the surroundings (LiDAR). Individual cleaning parameters can be set for every room. For example, which rooms should be vacuumed, mopped or not cleaned. Thanks to the dual-laser system with camera, the top model RCV 5 also detects and avoids flat obstacles such as cables, socks or shoes. Additional sensors prevent the device from falling, for example, down stairs. For cleaning, you can conveniently start the RCV 5 via the app, using a preset individual schedule or by pressing a button on the device. If the cleaning robot needs help, in many situations it will tell you via voice output.

SKU: kk1,269 640,0

Til á lager

104.440 kr. Setja í körfu

RCV 3 Ryks.+skúringaróbót

0 out of 5

More time for the enjoyable things in life: the smart RCV 3 cleaning robot takes over the floor cleaning. Once started, the RCV 3 robot systematically and independently cleans your hard floors and low-pile carpets. Dry dirt is reliably transported into the built-in waste container by the rotating brush, the side brush for the edges and the fan. Where needed, the RCV 3 doesn’t just vacuum, but can also damp mop. As the battery capacity decreases, the RCV 3 can charge itself regularly and, after the work is done, it always returns to the charging station. Via the app, the RCV 3 is sent on an exploration tour and will automatically create a map of the rooms by detecting the surroundings (LiDAR). Individual cleaning parameters can be set for every room. For example, which rooms should be vacuumed, mopped or not cleaned. Additional sensors prevent the device from falling, for example, down stairs. For cleaning tasks, the RCV 3 can be conveniently started via the app, using a preset individual schedule or by pressing a button on the device. If the cleaning robot needs help, in many situations it will tell you via voice output.

Included with the machine:

  • Cleaning brush
  • Side brush: 2 x
  • Filters: 2 x
  • Cleaning tool
  • Wiping unit
  • Wiping cloth: 2 x
  • 2-in-1 waste container including fresh water tank
  • Waste container
  • Charging station
SKU: kk1,269 620,0

Til á lager

68.165 kr. Setja í körfu

Hleðslu+hreinsistöð RCV 5

0 out of 5

With the smart self-emptying station, the RCV 5 becomes even more autonomous, because the dust container is emptied automatically. This way, the user is spared this tedious and often dirty job. Dust and dirt are simply vacuumed automatically into the high-quality fleece filter bag as soon as the RCV 5 docks in the charging and self-emptying station – either after a completed cleaning task or when recharging in between. The dirt is reliably trapped. It couldn’t be simpler. Thanks to the charging function on the self-emptying station, the robot’s battery is recharged at the same time too.

Included with station:

  • Fleece filter bag: 1 Piece(s)
  • Waste container
SKU: kk2,269 643,0

Til á lager

44.600 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

4.985 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

3.093 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

5.250 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

3.093 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

21.843 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

59.815 kr. 35.889 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

5.277 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

169.255 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

24.335 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

27.225 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

33.197 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

35.247 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

43.075 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

40.155 kr. Setja í körfu

WD 3 V-17 Ryksuga blautt þurrt

0 out of 5

WD ryksugurnar frá Karcher eru fullkomnar fyrir hin ýmsu verk heimilisins inni og úti og sjúga blautt og þurrt. Vélarnar eru einnig með blásara.

SKU: kk1,628 127,0

Til á lager

19.825 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

11.745 kr. Setja í körfu

Gólfhaus og klútur SC

0 out of 5

Gólfhaus og gólfklútur fyrir SC 1 – SC 5 gufuhreinsitæki.

SKU: kk2,863 337,0

Til á lager

8.165 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

911.725 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

8.836 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

8.935 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

8.960 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

8.996 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

9.294 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

9.219 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

9.357 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

9.362 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

9.542 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

9.588 kr. Setja í körfu

Til á lager

9.740 kr. Setja í körfu

Hreinsiklútar 2stk í pk

0 out of 5

Klútarnir eru úr hágæða örtrefjum og létta þér verkið við að ná af óhreinindum og fitu. Hentar vel við þrif á baðherbergjum og eldhúsum.

SKU: kk2,863 344,0

Til á lager

5.985 kr. Setja í körfu

Klútar fyrir gólfsettið

0 out of 5

Tveir í pakka

Frábærir gólf örtrefjaklútar sem hennta fyrir allar SC gufuhreinsivélarnar frá Kärcher

SKU: kk2,863 339,0

Til á lager

4.424 kr. Setja í körfu

SC 2 Delux Gufuhreinsir Easy Fix hvítt

0 out of 5

The new compact and lightweight SC 2 Deluxe EasyFix entry-level steam cleaner provides two-step steam regulation for adapting the steam intensity to the surface and level of dirt. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of coronaviruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces – and does so completely without chemicals. The SC 2 Deluxe EasyFix can display the operating mode at any time via the innovative illuminated LED ring on the handle. Red indicates that the device is still heating up, while green indicates that the SC steam cleaner is ready to go. The accessories can either be stored (including the two extension tubes) entirely in an extra long accessory bag or alternatively stowed on the device itself. The EasyFix floor nozzle with flexible joint guarantees excellent ergonomics and, thanks to the lamella technology, ensures perfect cleaning results. Thanks to the convenient hook-and-loop system, the microfibre floor cloth can be quickly and easily attached to the floor nozzle and removed again without having to come into contact with dirt. When the various accessories are used as intended, tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods and even the smallest gaps are hygienically cleaned. Even stubborn dirt can be reliably removed.

SKU: kk1,513 400,0

Til á lager

35.860 kr. Setja í körfu
104.140 kr.

FC 8 Smart Signature Line skúringavél

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,055 711,0

Nýjasta útgáfan af vinsælu gólfþvottavélinni frá Karcher er komin!

Setja í körfu
22.990 kr.

KB 5 Sópur hvítur rafhlaða

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,258 050,0 Setja í körfu
1.148.469 kr.

KIRA CV 50 Ryksuguvélmenni

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,454 500,0Setja í körfu
154.324 kr.

KM 70/20 C Sópur

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,517 130.0Setja í körfu
24.460 kr.

Laser 3D Grænn

0 out of 5
SKU: RH-9500G

Setja í körfu
23.882 kr.


0 out of 5
SKU: RH-8603

Setja í körfu
4.648 kr.

Rúðuhreinsisett EDI4

0 out of 5
SKU: kk2,644 255,0

Nú er hægt að nota EDI 4 íssköfuna allt árið! Einfalt og árangursríkt aukahlutasett til að þrífa bílrúðurnar.

Setja í körfu
24.335 kr.

SC 1 EasyFix Gufuhreinsir

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,516 401,0


The compact Kärcher SC 1 EasyFix 2-in-1 steam mop (with floor cleaning set) can be used anywhere in the household and cleans without using any chemicals. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of coronaviruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces. Thanks to its compact dimensions, the device is ideal for quick and thorough intermediate cleaning. When you’re done, it can be stored right where it is needed without taking up much space. Be it fittings, tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods or the smallest gaps and niches – powerful steam and the extensive range of accessories ensure flawless cleanliness. Thanks to the floor cleaning set EasyFix, the practical handheld steam cleaner can be converted for floor cleaning in no time. Even stubborn dirt and grease deposits are eliminated in an instant.

Setja í körfu
143.670 kr.

SI 4 EasyFix Iron Strauborð og gufuhreinsitæki

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,512 637,0

Einn pakki með gufustraujárni, gufustrauborði og gufuhreinsitæki.

Í pakkanum er SC 4 gufuhreinsitæki með fylgihlutum sem nýtast við þrif á heimilinu og svo getur þú tengt tækið við gufustraujárn og hengt á sérhannað gufuborð. Upplifðu þægileg og efnalaus þrif á heimilinu og dreptu bakteríur og veirur í leiðinni. Gufustrauborðið skilar vel straujuðum og/eða gufuðum flíkum og rúmfötum.

Setja í körfu
24.238 kr.

Standur fyrir bútsagir

0 out of 5
SKU: RH-5810

Setja í körfu
26.110 kr.

Sverðsög batterí

0 out of 5
SKU: RH-8621

Setja í körfu
5.248 kr.

Verkfærataska 16″ 14 hólf

0 out of 5
SKU: RH-9141Setja í körfu
23.860 kr.

WV 7 Signature Line Gluggaskafa

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,633 780,0

WV 7 gluggasköfuna má nota inni og úti fyrir glugga og önnur slétt yfirborð. Handhæg og snyrtileg aðferð við þrif án þess að rennbleyta nánasta umhverfi. Hægt að fá framlengingu á sköfuna til þess að auðvela þrif á háum gluggum.

Setja í körfu
104.440 kr.

RCV 5 Ryks.+skúringaróbót

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,269 640,0

Hard floors and low-pile carpets are independently and systematically cleaned by the RCV 5 smart cleaning robot. Dry dirt is transported into the built-in waste container by the rotating brush, the side brush for the edges and the fan. The ultrasonic sensor detects carpets that would be better cleaned using the Auto Boost function for maximum suction power. The RCV 5 doesn’t just vacuum but can also wet mop. In mopping mode, carpets are automatically avoided. Via the app, the RCV 5 is sent on an exploration tour and will automatically create a map of the rooms by detecting the surroundings (LiDAR). Individual cleaning parameters can be set for every room. For example, which rooms should be vacuumed, mopped or not cleaned. Thanks to the dual-laser system with camera, the top model RCV 5 also detects and avoids flat obstacles such as cables, socks or shoes. Additional sensors prevent the device from falling, for example, down stairs. For cleaning, you can conveniently start the RCV 5 via the app, using a preset individual schedule or by pressing a button on the device. If the cleaning robot needs help, in many situations it will tell you via voice output.

Setja í körfu
68.165 kr.

RCV 3 Ryks.+skúringaróbót

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,269 620,0

More time for the enjoyable things in life: the smart RCV 3 cleaning robot takes over the floor cleaning. Once started, the RCV 3 robot systematically and independently cleans your hard floors and low-pile carpets. Dry dirt is reliably transported into the built-in waste container by the rotating brush, the side brush for the edges and the fan. Where needed, the RCV 3 doesn’t just vacuum, but can also damp mop. As the battery capacity decreases, the RCV 3 can charge itself regularly and, after the work is done, it always returns to the charging station. Via the app, the RCV 3 is sent on an exploration tour and will automatically create a map of the rooms by detecting the surroundings (LiDAR). Individual cleaning parameters can be set for every room. For example, which rooms should be vacuumed, mopped or not cleaned. Additional sensors prevent the device from falling, for example, down stairs. For cleaning tasks, the RCV 3 can be conveniently started via the app, using a preset individual schedule or by pressing a button on the device. If the cleaning robot needs help, in many situations it will tell you via voice output.

Included with the machine:

  • Cleaning brush
  • Side brush: 2 x
  • Filters: 2 x
  • Cleaning tool
  • Wiping unit
  • Wiping cloth: 2 x
  • 2-in-1 waste container including fresh water tank
  • Waste container
  • Charging station
Setja í körfu
44.600 kr.

Hleðslu+hreinsistöð RCV 5

0 out of 5
SKU: kk2,269 643,0

With the smart self-emptying station, the RCV 5 becomes even more autonomous, because the dust container is emptied automatically. This way, the user is spared this tedious and often dirty job. Dust and dirt are simply vacuumed automatically into the high-quality fleece filter bag as soon as the RCV 5 docks in the charging and self-emptying station – either after a completed cleaning task or when recharging in between. The dirt is reliably trapped. It couldn’t be simpler. Thanks to the charging function on the self-emptying station, the robot’s battery is recharged at the same time too.

Included with station:

  • Fleece filter bag: 1 Piece(s)
  • Waste container
Setja í körfu
4.985 kr.

Pokar í hleðslustöð RCV 5

0 out of 5
SKU: kk2,269 644,0Setja í körfu
3.093 kr.

Gólfklútar RCV 5

0 out of 5
SKU: kk2,269 640,0Setja í körfu
5.250 kr.

Aukahlutasett RCV 5

0 out of 5
SKU: kk2,269 641,0Setja í körfu
3.093 kr.

Gólfklútar RCV 3

0 out of 5
SKU: kk2,269 620,0Setja í körfu
21.843 kr.

Byssa G 180 Q FC K 5 – 7 dælur

0 out of 5
SKU: kk4,775 111,3Setja í körfu
59.815 kr. 35.889 kr.

Hleðslukapall Type 2 22kW 32A 5m

0 out of 5
SKU: ex 001



5 metrar

Setja í körfu
5.277 kr.

Hliðarbursti sett vatn S 4 Twin

0 out of 5
SKU: kk2,644 032,0Setja í körfu
169.255 kr.

KM 70/20 C 2 SB Sópur

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,517 131,0Setja í körfu
24.335 kr.

SP 9000 Flat – Brunndæla

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,645 810,0Setja í körfu
27.225 kr.

SP 9,500 Dirt Brunndæla

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,645 800,0Setja í körfu
33.197 kr.

SP 11000 Dirt Brunndæla

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,645 820,0Setja í körfu
35.247 kr.

SP 16000 Dirt Brunndæla

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,645 830,0Setja í körfu
43.075 kr.

SP 17000 Flat/Dirt sensor Brunndæla

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,645 840,0Setja í körfu
40.155 kr.

SP 22000 Dirt Brunndæla floth.

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,645 850,0Setja í körfu
19.825 kr.

WD 3 V-17 Ryksuga blautt þurrt

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,628 127,0

WD ryksugurnar frá Karcher eru fullkomnar fyrir hin ýmsu verk heimilisins inni og úti og sjúga blautt og þurrt. Vélarnar eru einnig með blásara.

Setja í körfu
11.745 kr.

Bursti á TLA 4 Skaft

0 out of 5
SKU: kk2,644 191,0Setja í körfu
8.165 kr.

Gólfhaus og klútur SC

0 out of 5
SKU: kk2,863 337,0

Gólfhaus og gólfklútur fyrir SC 1 – SC 5 gufuhreinsitæki.

Setja í körfu
911.725 kr.

HDS 8/18-4 C Gufuháþrýstidæla

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,071 939,0Setja í körfu
8.836 kr.

HKK F012 Karbít hulsubor 12/35 mm

0 out of 5
SKU: bds HKK F 012Setja í körfu
8.935 kr.

HKK F013 Karbít hulsubor 13/35 mm

0 out of 5
SKU: bds HKK F 013Setja í körfu
8.960 kr.

HKK F014 Karbít hulsubor 14/35 mm

0 out of 5
SKU: bds HKK F 014Setja í körfu
8.996 kr.

HKK F015 Karbít bor 15/35 mm

0 out of 5
SKU: bds HKK F 015Setja í körfu
9.294 kr.

HKK F016 Karbít bor 16/35 mm

0 out of 5
SKU: bds HKK F 016Setja í körfu
9.219 kr.

HKK F017 Karbít bor 17/35 mm

0 out of 5
SKU: bds HKK F 017Setja í körfu
9.357 kr.

HKK F018 Karbít bor 18/35 mm

0 out of 5
SKU: bds HKK F 018Setja í körfu
9.362 kr.

HKK F019 Karbít bor 19/35 mm

0 out of 5
SKU: bds HKK F 019Setja í körfu
9.542 kr.

HKK F020 Karbít hulsubor 20/35 mm

0 out of 5
SKU: bds HKK F 020Setja í körfu
9.588 kr.

HKK F021 Karbít bor 21/35 mm

0 out of 5
SKU: bds HKK F 021Setja í körfu
9.740 kr.

HKK F022 Karbít hulsubor 22/35 mm

0 out of 5
SKU: bds HKK F 022Setja í körfu
5.985 kr.

Hreinsiklútar 2stk í pk

0 out of 5
SKU: kk2,863 344,0

Klútarnir eru úr hágæða örtrefjum og létta þér verkið við að ná af óhreinindum og fitu. Hentar vel við þrif á baðherbergjum og eldhúsum.

Setja í körfu
4.424 kr.

Klútar fyrir gólfsettið

0 out of 5
SKU: kk2,863 339,0

Tveir í pakka

Frábærir gólf örtrefjaklútar sem hennta fyrir allar SC gufuhreinsivélarnar frá Kärcher

Setja í körfu
35.860 kr.

SC 2 Delux Gufuhreinsir Easy Fix hvítt

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,513 400,0

The new compact and lightweight SC 2 Deluxe EasyFix entry-level steam cleaner provides two-step steam regulation for adapting the steam intensity to the surface and level of dirt. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of coronaviruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces – and does so completely without chemicals. The SC 2 Deluxe EasyFix can display the operating mode at any time via the innovative illuminated LED ring on the handle. Red indicates that the device is still heating up, while green indicates that the SC steam cleaner is ready to go. The accessories can either be stored (including the two extension tubes) entirely in an extra long accessory bag or alternatively stowed on the device itself. The EasyFix floor nozzle with flexible joint guarantees excellent ergonomics and, thanks to the lamella technology, ensures perfect cleaning results. Thanks to the convenient hook-and-loop system, the microfibre floor cloth can be quickly and easily attached to the floor nozzle and removed again without having to come into contact with dirt. When the various accessories are used as intended, tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods and even the smallest gaps are hygienically cleaned. Even stubborn dirt can be reliably removed.

Setja í körfu

FC 8 Smart Signature Line skúringavél

0 out of 5

Nýjasta útgáfan af vinsælu gólfþvottavélinni frá Karcher er komin!

104.140 kr. Setja í körfu

Rúðuhreinsisett EDI4

0 out of 5

Nú er hægt að nota EDI 4 íssköfuna allt árið! Einfalt og árangursríkt aukahlutasett til að þrífa bílrúðurnar.

4.648 kr. Setja í körfu

SC 1 EasyFix Gufuhreinsir

0 out of 5


The compact Kärcher SC 1 EasyFix 2-in-1 steam mop (with floor cleaning set) can be used anywhere in the household and cleans without using any chemicals. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of coronaviruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces. Thanks to its compact dimensions, the device is ideal for quick and thorough intermediate cleaning. When you’re done, it can be stored right where it is needed without taking up much space. Be it fittings, tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods or the smallest gaps and niches – powerful steam and the extensive range of accessories ensure flawless cleanliness. Thanks to the floor cleaning set EasyFix, the practical handheld steam cleaner can be converted for floor cleaning in no time. Even stubborn dirt and grease deposits are eliminated in an instant.

24.335 kr. Setja í körfu

SI 4 EasyFix Iron Strauborð og gufuhreinsitæki

0 out of 5

Einn pakki með gufustraujárni, gufustrauborði og gufuhreinsitæki.

Í pakkanum er SC 4 gufuhreinsitæki með fylgihlutum sem nýtast við þrif á heimilinu og svo getur þú tengt tækið við gufustraujárn og hengt á sérhannað gufuborð. Upplifðu þægileg og efnalaus þrif á heimilinu og dreptu bakteríur og veirur í leiðinni. Gufustrauborðið skilar vel straujuðum og/eða gufuðum flíkum og rúmfötum.

143.670 kr. Setja í körfu

WV 7 Signature Line Gluggaskafa

0 out of 5

WV 7 gluggasköfuna má nota inni og úti fyrir glugga og önnur slétt yfirborð. Handhæg og snyrtileg aðferð við þrif án þess að rennbleyta nánasta umhverfi. Hægt að fá framlengingu á sköfuna til þess að auðvela þrif á háum gluggum.

23.860 kr. Setja í körfu

RCV 5 Ryks.+skúringaróbót

0 out of 5

Hard floors and low-pile carpets are independently and systematically cleaned by the RCV 5 smart cleaning robot. Dry dirt is transported into the built-in waste container by the rotating brush, the side brush for the edges and the fan. The ultrasonic sensor detects carpets that would be better cleaned using the Auto Boost function for maximum suction power. The RCV 5 doesn’t just vacuum but can also wet mop. In mopping mode, carpets are automatically avoided. Via the app, the RCV 5 is sent on an exploration tour and will automatically create a map of the rooms by detecting the surroundings (LiDAR). Individual cleaning parameters can be set for every room. For example, which rooms should be vacuumed, mopped or not cleaned. Thanks to the dual-laser system with camera, the top model RCV 5 also detects and avoids flat obstacles such as cables, socks or shoes. Additional sensors prevent the device from falling, for example, down stairs. For cleaning, you can conveniently start the RCV 5 via the app, using a preset individual schedule or by pressing a button on the device. If the cleaning robot needs help, in many situations it will tell you via voice output.

104.440 kr. Setja í körfu

RCV 3 Ryks.+skúringaróbót

0 out of 5

More time for the enjoyable things in life: the smart RCV 3 cleaning robot takes over the floor cleaning. Once started, the RCV 3 robot systematically and independently cleans your hard floors and low-pile carpets. Dry dirt is reliably transported into the built-in waste container by the rotating brush, the side brush for the edges and the fan. Where needed, the RCV 3 doesn’t just vacuum, but can also damp mop. As the battery capacity decreases, the RCV 3 can charge itself regularly and, after the work is done, it always returns to the charging station. Via the app, the RCV 3 is sent on an exploration tour and will automatically create a map of the rooms by detecting the surroundings (LiDAR). Individual cleaning parameters can be set for every room. For example, which rooms should be vacuumed, mopped or not cleaned. Additional sensors prevent the device from falling, for example, down stairs. For cleaning tasks, the RCV 3 can be conveniently started via the app, using a preset individual schedule or by pressing a button on the device. If the cleaning robot needs help, in many situations it will tell you via voice output.

Included with the machine:

  • Cleaning brush
  • Side brush: 2 x
  • Filters: 2 x
  • Cleaning tool
  • Wiping unit
  • Wiping cloth: 2 x
  • 2-in-1 waste container including fresh water tank
  • Waste container
  • Charging station
68.165 kr. Setja í körfu

Hleðslu+hreinsistöð RCV 5

0 out of 5

With the smart self-emptying station, the RCV 5 becomes even more autonomous, because the dust container is emptied automatically. This way, the user is spared this tedious and often dirty job. Dust and dirt are simply vacuumed automatically into the high-quality fleece filter bag as soon as the RCV 5 docks in the charging and self-emptying station – either after a completed cleaning task or when recharging in between. The dirt is reliably trapped. It couldn’t be simpler. Thanks to the charging function on the self-emptying station, the robot’s battery is recharged at the same time too.

Included with station:

  • Fleece filter bag: 1 Piece(s)
  • Waste container
44.600 kr. Setja í körfu

WD 3 V-17 Ryksuga blautt þurrt

0 out of 5

WD ryksugurnar frá Karcher eru fullkomnar fyrir hin ýmsu verk heimilisins inni og úti og sjúga blautt og þurrt. Vélarnar eru einnig með blásara.

19.825 kr. Setja í körfu

Gólfhaus og klútur SC

0 out of 5

Gólfhaus og gólfklútur fyrir SC 1 – SC 5 gufuhreinsitæki.

8.165 kr. Setja í körfu

Hreinsiklútar 2stk í pk

0 out of 5

Klútarnir eru úr hágæða örtrefjum og létta þér verkið við að ná af óhreinindum og fitu. Hentar vel við þrif á baðherbergjum og eldhúsum.

5.985 kr. Setja í körfu

Klútar fyrir gólfsettið

0 out of 5

Tveir í pakka

Frábærir gólf örtrefjaklútar sem hennta fyrir allar SC gufuhreinsivélarnar frá Kärcher

4.424 kr. Setja í körfu

SC 2 Delux Gufuhreinsir Easy Fix hvítt

0 out of 5

The new compact and lightweight SC 2 Deluxe EasyFix entry-level steam cleaner provides two-step steam regulation for adapting the steam intensity to the surface and level of dirt. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of coronaviruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces – and does so completely without chemicals. The SC 2 Deluxe EasyFix can display the operating mode at any time via the innovative illuminated LED ring on the handle. Red indicates that the device is still heating up, while green indicates that the SC steam cleaner is ready to go. The accessories can either be stored (including the two extension tubes) entirely in an extra long accessory bag or alternatively stowed on the device itself. The EasyFix floor nozzle with flexible joint guarantees excellent ergonomics and, thanks to the lamella technology, ensures perfect cleaning results. Thanks to the convenient hook-and-loop system, the microfibre floor cloth can be quickly and easily attached to the floor nozzle and removed again without having to come into contact with dirt. When the various accessories are used as intended, tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods and even the smallest gaps are hygienically cleaned. Even stubborn dirt can be reliably removed.

35.860 kr. Setja í körfu

Showing 1–48 of 1395 results