
Gufutæki fyrir heimili

SC 2 Delux Gufuhreinsir Easy Fix hvítt

0 out of 5

Við erum að vinna í að uppfæra allar upplýsingar á vefsíðunni okkar. Á meðan við erum að vinna í íslenska textanum er enski textinn hér fyrir neðan.

The new compact and lightweight SC 2 Deluxe EasyFix entry-level steam cleaner provides two-step steam regulation for adapting the steam intensity to the surface and level of dirt. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of coronaviruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces – and does so completely without chemicals. The SC 2 Deluxe EasyFix can display the operating mode at any time via the innovative illuminated LED ring on the handle. Red indicates that the device is still heating up, while green indicates that the SC steam cleaner is ready to go. The accessories can either be stored (including the two extension tubes) entirely in an extra long accessory bag or alternatively stowed on the device itself. The EasyFix floor nozzle with flexible joint guarantees excellent ergonomics and, thanks to the lamella technology, ensures perfect cleaning results. Thanks to the convenient hook-and-loop system, the microfibre floor cloth can be quickly and easily attached to the floor nozzle and removed again without having to come into contact with dirt. When the various accessories are used as intended, tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods and even the smallest gaps are hygienically cleaned. Even stubborn dirt can be reliably removed.



34.900 kr. Sjá meira

SC 4 Gufuhr. Easy Fix hvítt

0 out of 5

Non-stop steam thanks to two-tank system

The SC 4 EasyFix Premium is the mid-range model in the comprehensive range of Kärcher steam cleaners. Cleaning is possible without interruption thanks to a two-tank system. From tiles and joints to windows and frames: Thanks to the extensive range of accessories the steam cleaner can cope with every cleaning task.

With the two-tank system the SC 4 EasyFix Premium is particularly suitable for cleaning large areas without interruption. In the case of conventional steam cleaners, the water is poured directly into the boiler but you have to wait until the pressure has dropped again in order to refill. Things are different with the SC 4 EasyFix Premium from Kärcher: Water can be added continuously here via the additional tank (capacity 0.8 l). The user simply removes it for this and fills it comfortably at the tap.

The steam boiler reaches the working pressure of 3.5 bar again after four minutes. The hot, powerful steam loosens dirt even from microscopic small pores without any chemicals. A scientific study confirms that Kärcher steam cleaners eliminate 99.99 %[1] of all common household bacteria on common household hard surfaces with the floor nozzle.

The appliance is compactly designed and complies with high safety standards. The steam gun can be locked with a child safety lock. The amount of steam can be regulated on the gun itself during work.

The extensive range of accessories makes the SC 4 EasyFix Premium an all-round talent for many cleaning tasks: For example, wash basins, glass ceramic hobs and windows are cleaned with the hand nozzle, corners and joints with the detail nozzle. The EasyFix floor nozzle is used for tiles, linoleum or other hard floor coverings. The steam remains under the nozzle for a long time due to the lamella technology and can take effect intensively on the area to be cleaned. The microfibre cloth attached with Velcro absorbs the loosened dirt. A label on the long side of the cloth makes it possible to change using your foot without coming into direct contact with the dirt. The accessories have a fixed place on the appliance for storage and are therefore always nearby. If the steam cleaner is not being used, the cable can be stowed away in a compartment on the casing.

In the scope of delivery of the SC 4 EasyFix Premium Iron version a steam pressure iron is also included that flattens even several layers of fabric by ironing in one go due to the high pressure. You therefore only need half the time compared with simple steam ironing.

[1]When thoroughly cleaned with a Kärcher steam cleaner, 99.99% of all common household bacteria will be killed on common household hard surfaces.


Til á lager

56.875 kr. Setja í körfu

SC 5 Gufuhreinsitæki hvít Heimili

0 out of 5

Sú öflugasta þegar kemur að gufuvélum fyrir heimilið.

Hægt að fá straujárn fyrir vélina.



85.100 kr. Sjá meira

SC 1 Hvít – Gufureinsitæki EasyFix Premium

0 out of 5

The compact Kärcher SC 1 EasyFix 2-in-1 steam mop (with floor cleaning set) can be used anywhere in the household and cleans without using any chemicals. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of coronaviruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces. Thanks to its compact dimensions, the device is ideal for quick and thorough intermediate cleaning. When you’re done, it can be stored right where it is needed without taking up much space. Be it fittings, tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods or the smallest gaps and niches – powerful steam and the extensive range of accessories ensure flawless cleanliness. Thanks to the floor cleaning set EasyFix, the practical handheld steam cleaner can be converted for floor cleaning in no time. Even stubborn dirt and grease deposits are eliminated in an instant.



28.680 kr. Sjá meira

SI 4 EasyFix Strauborð gufu

0 out of 5

Kärcher gerir gufuhreinsun og gufustraujun skilvirkari. SI 4 EasyFix Iron straustöðin styttir venjulegan strautíma um helming þökk sé gufuþrýstingsjárni og strauborði. Strauborðið hefur viftu og virkan gufuútdrátt. Þetta gerir það að verkum að gufan kemst betur inn í fötin – og jafnvel erfiða vefnaðarvörur er hægt að strauja auðveldlega. Gufuhreinsiaðgerðin býður upp á einstaklega mikil þægindi, hreinsar án efna og er hægt að nota nánast hvar sem er. Ítarleg hreinsun með Kärcher gufuhreinsanum fjarlægir 99,99% af öllum algengum heimilisbakteríum** af dæmigerðum hörðu yfirborði heimilisins. Flísar, helluborð, útblásturshettur og jafnvel minnstu eyður verða glitrandi hreinar þökk sé sérstökum fylgihlutum. Jafnvel erfið óhreinindi eru þrifin á augabragði. EasyFix gólfstúturinn með sveigjanlegum liðum tryggir framúrskarandi vinnuvistfræði og tryggir fullkominn hreinsunarárangur. Þökk sé þægilegu krók-og-lykkjukerfi er hægt að festa örtrefjagólfdúkinn fljótt og auðveldlega við gólfstútinn og fjarlægja aftur án þess að þurfa að komast í snertingu við óhreinindi.




kr. Sjá meira

SC 2 Delux Gufuhreinsir Easy Fix hvítt

0 out of 5

Við erum að vinna í að uppfæra allar upplýsingar á vefsíðunni okkar. Á meðan við erum að vinna í íslenska textanum er enski textinn hér fyrir neðan.

The new compact and lightweight SC 2 Deluxe EasyFix entry-level steam cleaner provides two-step steam regulation for adapting the steam intensity to the surface and level of dirt. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of coronaviruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces – and does so completely without chemicals. The SC 2 Deluxe EasyFix can display the operating mode at any time via the innovative illuminated LED ring on the handle. Red indicates that the device is still heating up, while green indicates that the SC steam cleaner is ready to go. The accessories can either be stored (including the two extension tubes) entirely in an extra long accessory bag or alternatively stowed on the device itself. The EasyFix floor nozzle with flexible joint guarantees excellent ergonomics and, thanks to the lamella technology, ensures perfect cleaning results. Thanks to the convenient hook-and-loop system, the microfibre floor cloth can be quickly and easily attached to the floor nozzle and removed again without having to come into contact with dirt. When the various accessories are used as intended, tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods and even the smallest gaps are hygienically cleaned. Even stubborn dirt can be reliably removed.

SKU: kk1,513 400,0


34.900 kr. Sjá meira

SC 4 Gufuhr. Easy Fix hvítt

0 out of 5

Non-stop steam thanks to two-tank system

The SC 4 EasyFix Premium is the mid-range model in the comprehensive range of Kärcher steam cleaners. Cleaning is possible without interruption thanks to a two-tank system. From tiles and joints to windows and frames: Thanks to the extensive range of accessories the steam cleaner can cope with every cleaning task.

With the two-tank system the SC 4 EasyFix Premium is particularly suitable for cleaning large areas without interruption. In the case of conventional steam cleaners, the water is poured directly into the boiler but you have to wait until the pressure has dropped again in order to refill. Things are different with the SC 4 EasyFix Premium from Kärcher: Water can be added continuously here via the additional tank (capacity 0.8 l). The user simply removes it for this and fills it comfortably at the tap.

The steam boiler reaches the working pressure of 3.5 bar again after four minutes. The hot, powerful steam loosens dirt even from microscopic small pores without any chemicals. A scientific study confirms that Kärcher steam cleaners eliminate 99.99 %[1] of all common household bacteria on common household hard surfaces with the floor nozzle.

The appliance is compactly designed and complies with high safety standards. The steam gun can be locked with a child safety lock. The amount of steam can be regulated on the gun itself during work.

The extensive range of accessories makes the SC 4 EasyFix Premium an all-round talent for many cleaning tasks: For example, wash basins, glass ceramic hobs and windows are cleaned with the hand nozzle, corners and joints with the detail nozzle. The EasyFix floor nozzle is used for tiles, linoleum or other hard floor coverings. The steam remains under the nozzle for a long time due to the lamella technology and can take effect intensively on the area to be cleaned. The microfibre cloth attached with Velcro absorbs the loosened dirt. A label on the long side of the cloth makes it possible to change using your foot without coming into direct contact with the dirt. The accessories have a fixed place on the appliance for storage and are therefore always nearby. If the steam cleaner is not being used, the cable can be stowed away in a compartment on the casing.

In the scope of delivery of the SC 4 EasyFix Premium Iron version a steam pressure iron is also included that flattens even several layers of fabric by ironing in one go due to the high pressure. You therefore only need half the time compared with simple steam ironing.

[1]When thoroughly cleaned with a Kärcher steam cleaner, 99.99% of all common household bacteria will be killed on common household hard surfaces.

SKU: kk1,512 630,0

Til á lager

56.875 kr. Setja í körfu

SC 5 Gufuhreinsitæki hvít Heimili

0 out of 5

Sú öflugasta þegar kemur að gufuvélum fyrir heimilið.

Hægt að fá straujárn fyrir vélina.

SKU: kk1,512 660,0


85.100 kr. Sjá meira

SC 1 Hvít – Gufureinsitæki EasyFix Premium

0 out of 5

The compact Kärcher SC 1 EasyFix 2-in-1 steam mop (with floor cleaning set) can be used anywhere in the household and cleans without using any chemicals. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of coronaviruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces. Thanks to its compact dimensions, the device is ideal for quick and thorough intermediate cleaning. When you’re done, it can be stored right where it is needed without taking up much space. Be it fittings, tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods or the smallest gaps and niches – powerful steam and the extensive range of accessories ensure flawless cleanliness. Thanks to the floor cleaning set EasyFix, the practical handheld steam cleaner can be converted for floor cleaning in no time. Even stubborn dirt and grease deposits are eliminated in an instant.

SKU: kk1,516 375,0


28.680 kr. Sjá meira

SI 4 EasyFix Strauborð gufu

0 out of 5

Kärcher gerir gufuhreinsun og gufustraujun skilvirkari. SI 4 EasyFix Iron straustöðin styttir venjulegan strautíma um helming þökk sé gufuþrýstingsjárni og strauborði. Strauborðið hefur viftu og virkan gufuútdrátt. Þetta gerir það að verkum að gufan kemst betur inn í fötin – og jafnvel erfiða vefnaðarvörur er hægt að strauja auðveldlega. Gufuhreinsiaðgerðin býður upp á einstaklega mikil þægindi, hreinsar án efna og er hægt að nota nánast hvar sem er. Ítarleg hreinsun með Kärcher gufuhreinsanum fjarlægir 99,99% af öllum algengum heimilisbakteríum** af dæmigerðum hörðu yfirborði heimilisins. Flísar, helluborð, útblásturshettur og jafnvel minnstu eyður verða glitrandi hreinar þökk sé sérstökum fylgihlutum. Jafnvel erfið óhreinindi eru þrifin á augabragði. EasyFix gólfstúturinn með sveigjanlegum liðum tryggir framúrskarandi vinnuvistfræði og tryggir fullkominn hreinsunarárangur. Þökk sé þægilegu krók-og-lykkjukerfi er hægt að festa örtrefjagólfdúkinn fljótt og auðveldlega við gólfstútinn og fjarlægja aftur án þess að þurfa að komast í snertingu við óhreinindi.


SKU: kk1,512 462,0


kr. Sjá meira
34.900 kr.

SC 2 Delux Gufuhreinsir Easy Fix hvítt

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,513 400,0

Við erum að vinna í að uppfæra allar upplýsingar á vefsíðunni okkar. Á meðan við erum að vinna í íslenska textanum er enski textinn hér fyrir neðan.

The new compact and lightweight SC 2 Deluxe EasyFix entry-level steam cleaner provides two-step steam regulation for adapting the steam intensity to the surface and level of dirt. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of coronaviruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces – and does so completely without chemicals. The SC 2 Deluxe EasyFix can display the operating mode at any time via the innovative illuminated LED ring on the handle. Red indicates that the device is still heating up, while green indicates that the SC steam cleaner is ready to go. The accessories can either be stored (including the two extension tubes) entirely in an extra long accessory bag or alternatively stowed on the device itself. The EasyFix floor nozzle with flexible joint guarantees excellent ergonomics and, thanks to the lamella technology, ensures perfect cleaning results. Thanks to the convenient hook-and-loop system, the microfibre floor cloth can be quickly and easily attached to the floor nozzle and removed again without having to come into contact with dirt. When the various accessories are used as intended, tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods and even the smallest gaps are hygienically cleaned. Even stubborn dirt can be reliably removed.

Sjá meira
56.875 kr.

SC 4 Gufuhr. Easy Fix hvítt

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,512 630,0

Non-stop steam thanks to two-tank system

The SC 4 EasyFix Premium is the mid-range model in the comprehensive range of Kärcher steam cleaners. Cleaning is possible without interruption thanks to a two-tank system. From tiles and joints to windows and frames: Thanks to the extensive range of accessories the steam cleaner can cope with every cleaning task.

With the two-tank system the SC 4 EasyFix Premium is particularly suitable for cleaning large areas without interruption. In the case of conventional steam cleaners, the water is poured directly into the boiler but you have to wait until the pressure has dropped again in order to refill. Things are different with the SC 4 EasyFix Premium from Kärcher: Water can be added continuously here via the additional tank (capacity 0.8 l). The user simply removes it for this and fills it comfortably at the tap.

The steam boiler reaches the working pressure of 3.5 bar again after four minutes. The hot, powerful steam loosens dirt even from microscopic small pores without any chemicals. A scientific study confirms that Kärcher steam cleaners eliminate 99.99 %[1] of all common household bacteria on common household hard surfaces with the floor nozzle.

The appliance is compactly designed and complies with high safety standards. The steam gun can be locked with a child safety lock. The amount of steam can be regulated on the gun itself during work.

The extensive range of accessories makes the SC 4 EasyFix Premium an all-round talent for many cleaning tasks: For example, wash basins, glass ceramic hobs and windows are cleaned with the hand nozzle, corners and joints with the detail nozzle. The EasyFix floor nozzle is used for tiles, linoleum or other hard floor coverings. The steam remains under the nozzle for a long time due to the lamella technology and can take effect intensively on the area to be cleaned. The microfibre cloth attached with Velcro absorbs the loosened dirt. A label on the long side of the cloth makes it possible to change using your foot without coming into direct contact with the dirt. The accessories have a fixed place on the appliance for storage and are therefore always nearby. If the steam cleaner is not being used, the cable can be stowed away in a compartment on the casing.

In the scope of delivery of the SC 4 EasyFix Premium Iron version a steam pressure iron is also included that flattens even several layers of fabric by ironing in one go due to the high pressure. You therefore only need half the time compared with simple steam ironing.

[1]When thoroughly cleaned with a Kärcher steam cleaner, 99.99% of all common household bacteria will be killed on common household hard surfaces.

Setja í körfu
85.100 kr.

SC 5 Gufuhreinsitæki hvít Heimili

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,512 660,0

Sú öflugasta þegar kemur að gufuvélum fyrir heimilið.

Hægt að fá straujárn fyrir vélina.

Sjá meira
28.680 kr.

SC 1 Hvít – Gufureinsitæki EasyFix Premium

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,516 375,0

The compact Kärcher SC 1 EasyFix 2-in-1 steam mop (with floor cleaning set) can be used anywhere in the household and cleans without using any chemicals. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of coronaviruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces. Thanks to its compact dimensions, the device is ideal for quick and thorough intermediate cleaning. When you’re done, it can be stored right where it is needed without taking up much space. Be it fittings, tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods or the smallest gaps and niches – powerful steam and the extensive range of accessories ensure flawless cleanliness. Thanks to the floor cleaning set EasyFix, the practical handheld steam cleaner can be converted for floor cleaning in no time. Even stubborn dirt and grease deposits are eliminated in an instant.

Sjá meira

SI 4 EasyFix Strauborð gufu

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,512 462,0

Kärcher gerir gufuhreinsun og gufustraujun skilvirkari. SI 4 EasyFix Iron straustöðin styttir venjulegan strautíma um helming þökk sé gufuþrýstingsjárni og strauborði. Strauborðið hefur viftu og virkan gufuútdrátt. Þetta gerir það að verkum að gufan kemst betur inn í fötin – og jafnvel erfiða vefnaðarvörur er hægt að strauja auðveldlega. Gufuhreinsiaðgerðin býður upp á einstaklega mikil þægindi, hreinsar án efna og er hægt að nota nánast hvar sem er. Ítarleg hreinsun með Kärcher gufuhreinsanum fjarlægir 99,99% af öllum algengum heimilisbakteríum** af dæmigerðum hörðu yfirborði heimilisins. Flísar, helluborð, útblásturshettur og jafnvel minnstu eyður verða glitrandi hreinar þökk sé sérstökum fylgihlutum. Jafnvel erfið óhreinindi eru þrifin á augabragði. EasyFix gólfstúturinn með sveigjanlegum liðum tryggir framúrskarandi vinnuvistfræði og tryggir fullkominn hreinsunarárangur. Þökk sé þægilegu krók-og-lykkjukerfi er hægt að festa örtrefjagólfdúkinn fljótt og auðveldlega við gólfstútinn og fjarlægja aftur án þess að þurfa að komast í snertingu við óhreinindi.


Sjá meira

SV 7 Prem – Gufuhreinsitæki með ryksugu og vatnshreinsun hvít

0 out of 5
SKU: kk1,439 420,0Sjá meira

SC 2 Delux Gufuhreinsir Easy Fix hvítt

0 out of 5

Við erum að vinna í að uppfæra allar upplýsingar á vefsíðunni okkar. Á meðan við erum að vinna í íslenska textanum er enski textinn hér fyrir neðan.

The new compact and lightweight SC 2 Deluxe EasyFix entry-level steam cleaner provides two-step steam regulation for adapting the steam intensity to the surface and level of dirt. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of coronaviruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces – and does so completely without chemicals. The SC 2 Deluxe EasyFix can display the operating mode at any time via the innovative illuminated LED ring on the handle. Red indicates that the device is still heating up, while green indicates that the SC steam cleaner is ready to go. The accessories can either be stored (including the two extension tubes) entirely in an extra long accessory bag or alternatively stowed on the device itself. The EasyFix floor nozzle with flexible joint guarantees excellent ergonomics and, thanks to the lamella technology, ensures perfect cleaning results. Thanks to the convenient hook-and-loop system, the microfibre floor cloth can be quickly and easily attached to the floor nozzle and removed again without having to come into contact with dirt. When the various accessories are used as intended, tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods and even the smallest gaps are hygienically cleaned. Even stubborn dirt can be reliably removed.

34.900 kr. Sjá meira

SC 4 Gufuhr. Easy Fix hvítt

0 out of 5

Non-stop steam thanks to two-tank system

The SC 4 EasyFix Premium is the mid-range model in the comprehensive range of Kärcher steam cleaners. Cleaning is possible without interruption thanks to a two-tank system. From tiles and joints to windows and frames: Thanks to the extensive range of accessories the steam cleaner can cope with every cleaning task.

With the two-tank system the SC 4 EasyFix Premium is particularly suitable for cleaning large areas without interruption. In the case of conventional steam cleaners, the water is poured directly into the boiler but you have to wait until the pressure has dropped again in order to refill. Things are different with the SC 4 EasyFix Premium from Kärcher: Water can be added continuously here via the additional tank (capacity 0.8 l). The user simply removes it for this and fills it comfortably at the tap.

The steam boiler reaches the working pressure of 3.5 bar again after four minutes. The hot, powerful steam loosens dirt even from microscopic small pores without any chemicals. A scientific study confirms that Kärcher steam cleaners eliminate 99.99 %[1] of all common household bacteria on common household hard surfaces with the floor nozzle.

The appliance is compactly designed and complies with high safety standards. The steam gun can be locked with a child safety lock. The amount of steam can be regulated on the gun itself during work.

The extensive range of accessories makes the SC 4 EasyFix Premium an all-round talent for many cleaning tasks: For example, wash basins, glass ceramic hobs and windows are cleaned with the hand nozzle, corners and joints with the detail nozzle. The EasyFix floor nozzle is used for tiles, linoleum or other hard floor coverings. The steam remains under the nozzle for a long time due to the lamella technology and can take effect intensively on the area to be cleaned. The microfibre cloth attached with Velcro absorbs the loosened dirt. A label on the long side of the cloth makes it possible to change using your foot without coming into direct contact with the dirt. The accessories have a fixed place on the appliance for storage and are therefore always nearby. If the steam cleaner is not being used, the cable can be stowed away in a compartment on the casing.

In the scope of delivery of the SC 4 EasyFix Premium Iron version a steam pressure iron is also included that flattens even several layers of fabric by ironing in one go due to the high pressure. You therefore only need half the time compared with simple steam ironing.

[1]When thoroughly cleaned with a Kärcher steam cleaner, 99.99% of all common household bacteria will be killed on common household hard surfaces.

56.875 kr. Setja í körfu

SC 5 Gufuhreinsitæki hvít Heimili

0 out of 5

Sú öflugasta þegar kemur að gufuvélum fyrir heimilið.

Hægt að fá straujárn fyrir vélina.

85.100 kr. Sjá meira

SC 1 Hvít – Gufureinsitæki EasyFix Premium

0 out of 5

The compact Kärcher SC 1 EasyFix 2-in-1 steam mop (with floor cleaning set) can be used anywhere in the household and cleans without using any chemicals. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of coronaviruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces. Thanks to its compact dimensions, the device is ideal for quick and thorough intermediate cleaning. When you’re done, it can be stored right where it is needed without taking up much space. Be it fittings, tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods or the smallest gaps and niches – powerful steam and the extensive range of accessories ensure flawless cleanliness. Thanks to the floor cleaning set EasyFix, the practical handheld steam cleaner can be converted for floor cleaning in no time. Even stubborn dirt and grease deposits are eliminated in an instant.

28.680 kr. Sjá meira

SI 4 EasyFix Strauborð gufu

0 out of 5

Kärcher gerir gufuhreinsun og gufustraujun skilvirkari. SI 4 EasyFix Iron straustöðin styttir venjulegan strautíma um helming þökk sé gufuþrýstingsjárni og strauborði. Strauborðið hefur viftu og virkan gufuútdrátt. Þetta gerir það að verkum að gufan kemst betur inn í fötin – og jafnvel erfiða vefnaðarvörur er hægt að strauja auðveldlega. Gufuhreinsiaðgerðin býður upp á einstaklega mikil þægindi, hreinsar án efna og er hægt að nota nánast hvar sem er. Ítarleg hreinsun með Kärcher gufuhreinsanum fjarlægir 99,99% af öllum algengum heimilisbakteríum** af dæmigerðum hörðu yfirborði heimilisins. Flísar, helluborð, útblásturshettur og jafnvel minnstu eyður verða glitrandi hreinar þökk sé sérstökum fylgihlutum. Jafnvel erfið óhreinindi eru þrifin á augabragði. EasyFix gólfstúturinn með sveigjanlegum liðum tryggir framúrskarandi vinnuvistfræði og tryggir fullkominn hreinsunarárangur. Þökk sé þægilegu krók-og-lykkjukerfi er hægt að festa örtrefjagólfdúkinn fljótt og auðveldlega við gólfstútinn og fjarlægja aftur án þess að þurfa að komast í snertingu við óhreinindi.


kr. Sjá meira

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